It’s not the end of the world… Is it?

It’s not the end of the world… Is it?

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by negative thoughts concerning certain circumstances or events? You’re not alone. Catastrophic thinking, where you assume the worst possible outcome, can spiral out of control. Years ago, one of the young children my wife babysat...
Your Confidence Crash Course

Your Confidence Crash Course

Confidence! It’s something so many of us aspire to possess. Whether it is in professional settings, personal relationships, or the pursuit of goals and the attending risks, confidence plays a significant role. However, how do we get it? What practical steps can we...
Dancing in Circles

Dancing in Circles

Do you ever wonder why some people thrive in chaos while others crumble? The secret just might be in that they have mastered the dance of the ‘Circles of Concern, Influence, and Control’ popularized by Stephen Covey in THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL...
Train Your Brain

Train Your Brain

You’ve probably seen those apps that promise to train your brain and increase your intellectual capacity. It’s a little difficult to say for sure whether or not they actually work. While some argue that these apps,...
When in Doubt, Zoom Out

When in Doubt, Zoom Out

Have you ever noticed how you can be the go-to guru for solving everyone else’s problems, but when it’s your turn to take your own advice, suddenly there’s a mental roadblock? Happens to the best of us. It turns out that it’s a well-researched...