Let’s simplify!

Let’s simplify!

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the constant demands and distractions that surround us. However, by decluttering our minds and our surroundings, we can create space for what truly matters and find balance in the midst of daily chaos. Today, let’s join...
Are you burned out?

Are you burned out?

Burnout – It’s a pervasive issue in today’s workplaces, leaving individuals feeling drained, cynical, and ineffective. In today’s article, Scott Young delves into the insights of Christina Maslach, a leading authority on burnout, to understand its...
Let the sunshine in

Let the sunshine in

Today’s topic, on the power of light and its effect on our health, brings back memories of a song popular in my teen years. I’m dating myself, but you might remember the song “Age of Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In” by the 5th Dimension. The song spent six weeks at...
The Dumber Side of Smart

The Dumber Side of Smart

In contemporary Western societies, we place such a high value on those with exceptional intelligence. Such individuals are frequently entrusted with leadership positions. But, their very brilliance can be a double-edged sword. An inflated sense of self-assurance may...
Your Confidence Crash Course

Your Confidence Crash Course

Confidence! It’s something so many of us aspire to possess. Whether it is in professional settings, personal relationships, or the pursuit of goals and the attending risks, confidence plays a significant role. However, how do we get it? What practical steps can we...
Dancing in Circles

Dancing in Circles

Do you ever wonder why some people thrive in chaos while others crumble? The secret just might be in that they have mastered the dance of the ‘Circles of Concern, Influence, and Control’ popularized by Stephen Covey in THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL...