Dancing in Circles

by | Feb 14, 2024

Do you ever wonder why some people thrive in chaos while others crumble? The secret just might be in that they have mastered the dance of the ‘Circles of Concern, Influence, and Control‘ popularized by Stephen Covey in THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE.

Today’s Theme: The Circle of Concern


“In order to live a fulfilled life, do not focus on the size of your audience; focus instead on leaving an impact on the circle of influence God has given you.”

― Rosette Mugidde Wamambe


Recognize how much control you actually have over situations that command your attention. The more attention we can spend on things we directly control, the more ability we will have to change our situations….


BONUS: My friend and colleague, Dennis Hooper, has an excellent downloadable article on his website: https://www.buildingfutureleaders.com/uploads/4/1/1/4/411493/circle_of_concern_and_circle_of_influence.pdf


  • How might acknowledging what’s beyond your control contribute to a more resilient and positive mindset?

Knowing the “Circles of Concern, Influence, and Control” turns into a kind of manual for life. It enables you to let go of things you cannot change and concentrate on what counts. So, as you move forward, keep these rings in mind to help you make decisions that will help you live purposefully and meaningfully.