When in Doubt, Zoom Out

by | Jan 24, 2024

Have you ever noticed how you can be the go-to guru for solving everyone else’s problems, but when it’s your turn to take your own advice, suddenly there’s a mental roadblock? Happens to the best of us. It turns out that it’s a well-researched phenomena which has been named “Solomon’s Paradox”.

You remember King Solomon from the Bible, don’t you? People came from all over the world to hear his wisdom. But he couldn’t apply that wisdom to his own life. Let’s explore this phenomena, how it shows up in each of us and how we might overcome it.

Today’s Theme: Solomon’s Paradox


Humans are notoriously good at delivering sound, rational perspectives to others, but notoriously bad at delivering those same sound, rational perspectives to themselves.

– Sahil Bloom


Escaping Solomon’s Paradox

King Solomon’s reputation for providing wise counsel and advice was central to his persona. He was considered one of the wisest men who ever lived. He seemed to be endowed with a divine ability in this regard.

Unfortunately, the divine ability did not extend to heeding his own counsel.

King Solomon’s personal life was quite a mess…



  • In what situations have you seen “Solomon’s paradox” show up in your life?
  • What have you learned in today’s article and how can you apply it?