The Art of Assertiveness

by | Jan 16, 2024

A personal challenge for me over the years has been the fear of asserting myself, expressing my needs, and standing firm. Even when I’ve made attempts, it had the potential to come at the expense of the relationship.

Assertively asking for what you want or need can be frightening. It’s like walking a tightrope between timidity and arrogance.

But here’s the thing: that fear is often outweighed by the potential freedom a loving assertiveness unlocks. By confidently expressing your needs and desires, you can open doors of possibilities including:

  • Deeper, more fulfilling relationships
  • Increased self-esteem and,
  • Greater personal satisfaction

Today’s Theme: Assertiveness


“Respect is not given, it is earned. Neither are boundaries. Both require self-awareness and assertiveness.” – Brene Brown


To live assertively means to pursue your authentic wants and needs courageously while simultaneously respecting the rights of others. Click Here:



  • Think about a time when you were able to express your opinions maturely in spite of disagreements or objections.
  • How might you be assertive without being aggressive?

Asserting your desires, even if unlikely to be fulfilled, affirms your self-worth and reveals your authenticity to others. While remaining flexible with your expectations will fuel your confidence and propel you into a more fulfilling future. And indeed that is what we want. Is it not?